Respect For All Week begins February 27th through March 3rd. Join us for a week full of activities curated to help students and staff gain a better understanding of diversity and celebrate it in our school community
Respect For All week Agenda
Monday, Feb. 27th - Culture Day -Where are you from? I wanna know you better. - Bring something you want to share with someone (food, encouraging quotes, stickers, your favorite candy) store-bought and individually wrapped. Get to know someone you do not know.
Tuesday, Feb. 28th - Respect others - Anti-Bullying, Cyberbullying presentation
Wednesday, March 1st - We respect each other because we are UNITED. Wear your BDA gear. Scavenger Hunt
Thursday, March 2nd - Respect begins with me Boys/Girls/No Identification Games in the gym
Friday, March 3rd - What does Respect mean to you?